Florida freshwater fishing : These happy anglers landed their largemouth bass while fishing with Captain Xavier Groenendyk of Close Encounters Fishing. Captain Groenendyk offers both Florida freshwater fishing and saltwater fishing excursions.
Book a fishing trip with Close Encounters Fishing. They fish out of the famous Mosquito Lagoon for saltwater fishing trips. They do most of their largemouth bass fishing on Central Florida lakes.
Do you love fishing? I’m sure you do if you’re on this site! So, checkout our charters section to book a Florida fishing trip. We are looking for more more fishing guides to list their business for free.
Call Close Encounters Fishing today. They will give you a great day on the water. Florida is a great place for anglers. Booking a trip with this captain will help your odds of landing a big fish. Checkout out this great guide in the center of the Sunshine State.